Mar 10, 2016 / by admin / In / Comments Off on
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][cq_vc_flipbox frontfullimage=”196″ fronttitle=”jonj” frontcontent=”njnk” backcontent=”The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards, forwards, up and down. In fact, it can go in any direction to get the job done. We like that approach. When a hummingbird molts, it goes through a transformation process by shedding old feathers to present a new fresh appearance to the world. We named ourselves after this molting process, because it’s more than an excellent metaphor for our branding services. It’s literally exactly what we do in uncovering fresh new ways for companies to develop and grow their brand identity. Are you ready to MOLT?”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][cq_vc_flipbox frontfullimage=”196″ fronttitle=”jonj” frontcontent=”njnk” backcontent=”The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards, forwards, up and down. In fact, it can go in any direction to get the job done. We like that approach. When a hummingbird molts, it goes through a transformation process by shedding old feathers to present a new fresh appearance to the world. We named ourselves after this molting process, because it’s more than an excellent metaphor for our branding services. It’s literally exactly what we do in uncovering fresh new ways for companies to develop and grow their brand identity. Are you ready to MOLT?”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][cq_vc_flipbox frontfullimage=”196″ fronttitle=”jonj” frontcontent=”njnk” backcontent=”The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards, forwards, up and down. In fact, it can go in any direction to get the job done. We like that approach. When a hummingbird molts, it goes through a transformation process by shedding old feathers to present a new fresh appearance to the world. We named ourselves after this molting process, because it’s more than an excellent metaphor for our branding services. It’s literally exactly what we do in uncovering fresh new ways for companies to develop and grow their brand identity. Are you ready to MOLT?”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][cq_vc_flipbox frontfullimage=”196″ fronttitle=”jonj” frontcontent=”njnk” backcontent=”The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards, forwards, up and down. In fact, it can go in any direction to get the job done. We like that approach. When a hummingbird molts, it goes through a transformation process by shedding old feathers to present a new fresh appearance to the world. We named ourselves after this molting process, because it’s more than an excellent metaphor for our branding services. It’s literally exactly what we do in uncovering fresh new ways for companies to develop and grow their brand identity. Are you ready to MOLT?”][/vc_column][/vc_row]